Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Mt Ainslie

After almost a week of rain Monday was a sunny day so Tara and I decided we should get out for a hike and enjoy the sunshine. We headed to the Mt. Ainslie Nature Reserve for a steep climb to the top.
There were lots of cool Australian vegetation along the way. This tree was huge and cool. Thus warranting a picture with Tara in front.

Many of the trees we have seen around Canberra are loosing their bark or seem to have no bark at all like the tree below. We discovered a sign along the trail that explained this was a natural part of their growth cycle. Mystery solved.

In 2002 (I think) Bush fires swept through Canberra. You can see the evidence of the fires on many of the trees. The stump I am sitting on used to be a solid trunk attached to the blackened part of the tree behind me.

As we got closer to the top the view just kept getting better and the path a little steeper. Tara stopped to enjoy the view.

These steps are the final leg of the trail before the look out at the top.

Canberra was a planned city from the beginning. Part of the design was to create 3 different axis on which to build the city around. You can see 2 of them in the picture. The land axis starts from where we were at the top runs down Anzac Drive (the red street in the background) and finishes at New Parliament off in the distance. You can just see the big flag pole. The lake is man made and provides the basis for the water axis.

We had a picnic lunch at the top and enjoyed a much easier walk down. We came upon a BIG male kangaroo and a joey as we were walking. They really are awesome animals. We also spotted a wallaby (looks like a tiny kangaroo with black fur) but he was too quick to get a picture.


Carla said...

Cool! I'm glad you got out to have some recreation after all the work work work it sounds like you have been up to! Cool pictures - a red road? Neato!

Anonymous said...

Neat pictures Stacy. Sounds like you are really getting into nature and seeing things as they are. Hope you can continue to have some relaxation like this. Marilyn & Doug