Saturday, January 17, 2009

Waitomo Black Water Adventure

Well the trip is officially under way. After waking up in Auckland, we drove towards Waitomo. On the way, we called 'Rap, Raft n Rock' cave rafting company to book ourselves for a tour. We rapalled into the cave 27 m. The view on the ride down was amazing.
We floated in tubes down the river in the dark. The walls and ceiling were glowing with glow worms. They looked like the stars.

Then it was time to crawl through some holes and REALLY tight spaces.

Tara and Barry went through a really tiny space that required them to go sideways the entire way. Our guide said he had only had one other person make it through before.

Barry started to lose his wetsut on the way through.

After about 3.5 hours in the cave it was time to climb out. Nancy went first and the white dots at the bottom are our rubber boots.

This is where we got in and out. Truly incredible.


Anonymous said...

Knowing the Dingman's, I'm sure this is the first of many many adventures. Enjoy! Hope you're having a great time.

Your buds, Angie, Mark & Justin

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the trip is off to a really great start!! Love that last picture of the sunshine! Keep us updated!

ashton said...

sounds like so much fun!!!! I really want to see you go in the big hampster ball though!