Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Day of Rest

We stayed at a beautiful bed and breakfast in Cairns. Up to this point our trip had been very action packed so we decided to take a day and enjoy our rain forest surroundings.

This kookaburra was waiting on the deck when we came up for breakfast. Our hosts feed him bits of liver when he comes to visit.

Reading on the deck.

Watching hockey may not seem like a vacation activity, however I have missed the enitre season. Our host had satelite and invited me to watch the hockey Bruins/Capitals game that was on that day. It was great.

Tara and I went for a walk in the afternoon. We were trying to get up the rock that Tara is sitting on. The green stuff on the rock was pretty slippery and Tara slid down the rock rather quickly. This is where she landed.

All in all a very relaxing day.

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